And is there a way to hookup a "real" video camera,
complete with wireless mic, instead of using a $50 video cam?

While you're beefing up the serving computer, don't forget the
adage, "Garbage in, garbage out."  If the camera produces only
a mediocre image at best, it'll still be mediocre no matter how
much horsepower is under the hood of the computer.

Is it possible to use a real video camera?  Even the cheapest
palm-sized video recorder will produce better images than a video cam.


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:mdinowit@;]
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 2:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Flash Com and CFUG meeting

That may well be the issue. The laptop was a 400mhz with 128 meg of ram.
seen much better broadcast performance on my home machine at 2.53 Ghz and
meg of ram. While this is not do-able for a laptop, a more modern one would
surely help the performance.
The camera was a Logitek 4000 which is rather top of the line but the
was whatever was built into it. One of the recommendations I'm making for
using this is to have a separate mic (as many have mentioned to me). We'll
doing that for the next meeting.

> I think part of the problem with the NYCFUG broadcast was that it was
> being done on a laptop that didn't really have enough power to handle
> things. The Flash video chat application is just a sample and could
> probably be optimized for use in this context. Also the camera and mic
> setup was not ideal - when folks were nearer the mic and/or there was
> less background noise, things were better (especially when Michael D
> spoke more slowly and clearly). Given the $50 video cam, an
> underpowered laptop and the fact that the server was hosted in Europe,
> I think the quality was pretty good.
> It can definitely be better than that - we've had some high-quality
> audio-video broadcasts here with FlashCom and tested it with a much
> larger number of users than we saw connected to the NYCFUG broadcast
> (or the earlier DevCon Community Suite broadcast).
> If you're having problems getting the quality you'd like, email me
> offlist and I'll try to help you work with our FlashCom team to see if
> we can resolve the issues (and then we can post back here our findings).
> Sean A Corfield -- Director, Architecture
> Web Technology Group -- Macromedia, Inc.
> tel: (415) 252-2287 -- cell: (415) 717-8473
> aim: seancorfield --
> An Architect's View --
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