Well, if you have SP6, I would recommend downloading the patch for CFCONTENT
on the allaire web site as there is a known issue with it. The patch will
fix it as it did with my NT4 SP6 machine.

Hope this helps you out.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael P." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2000 10:54 AM
Subject: CFContent and IE 5

> Hello All,
> I am having a problem with cfcontent in IE 5.  Hope someone can help???
> The following code works just fine in Netscape 4.x and almost works in IE
> In IE 5, the file is downloaded but the cursor remains as an hourglass and
> the icon in the upper-right hand corner keeps spinning as if it is still
> trying to get a response from the server.
> If I hit refresh all is good again. Nothing gets run after the cfcontent
> tag.  I have put html, cf code, and text directly after it but to no
> I have tested this in the following environments...
> CF Server 4.5.1 is common to all...
> 1. NT Workstation 4, IE 5, Netscape Web Server 2.x
> 2. Win98, IE 5, Personal Web Server
> 3. WinNT & Win98 as clients hitting a Sun Solaris box
> On a page I have a listing of all files available, a user clicks on a file
> with a link to another page with this code...
> <!--- find the file --->
> <CFSET variables.element_id = url.element_id>
> <CFINCLUDE TEMPLATE="db/qs_element.cfm">
> <!--- See if file actually exists --->
> <CFIF FileExists(#qs_element.store_filename#)>
> <!--- Upload_filename is the display name --->
> <CFHEADER NAME="content-disposition" VALUE="attachment;
> Filename=#qs_element.Upload_Filename#">
> <!--- get file --->
> <CFCONTENT TYPE="application/unknown"
> FILE="#qs_element.store_filename#" DELETEFILE="No">
> </CFIF>
> Thanks,
> Michael Paulsmeyer
> Infovision, Inc.
> http://www.infovisioninc.com
> http://www.pcs-link.com
> 877-727-8824 - Toll Free
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