Thanks for all the replies!

I did get my hands on the mail.log file and it does look to be a server 
communication issue.  The log file showed over 900 out of 1038 lines 
were some form of sever communication problem.

Happy Turkey Day!

John Beynon wrote:

>I've recently had an issue similar to this and the cause was an
>uncontactable SMTP server, perhaps down to a network glitch or over worked
>SMTP server/
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: 27 November 2002 16:21
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: CFMail Problems
>I'm having an interesting problem with an application.  I searched the 
>archives and found issues with 0 byte emails and spool questions about 
>CF Mail, but nothing that matches this.
>Why would CFMail put a perfectly good email in the Undeliverable folder? 
> I have an app that generates a steady flow of emails all day long and 
>they typically get delivered.  However there are some cases where an 
>email will get batched in the undeliverable folder.  I don't have access 
>to the server logs as of yet but it's rather disconcerting.
>On the same issue, my mind's already working on a work-around for the 
>issue.  I'm thinking it might come in the form of a batch file that 
>automatically copies any files in the undeliver directory that meet a 
>specific criteria back into the spool directory.  My thought was to base 
>it on the date/time stamp of the file, however I'm wondering if CF 
>changes the date/time stamp when it moves a message into undeliver.
>C. Hatton Humphrey
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