This was a bad idea pre-MX because of locking issues... i.e.

You wouldn't want to use <cflock scope="session"><cfquery
name="session.myquery"></cfquery></cflock> because the query is going to
take a lot longer to complete than <cfset session.myquery = myquery> and you
wouldn't want to leave the reference to the session variable unlocked, so
although it was possible to use name="session.myquery" it wasn't adviseable.

s. isaac dealey                954-776-0046

new epoch            

lead architect, tapestry cms

certified advanced coldfusion 5 developer

> ive never seen naming a query in the session scope....thats definitely a
> new one one me.

> ..tony

> Tony Weeg
> Senior Web Developer
> Information System Design
> Navtrak, Inc.
> Fleet Management Solutions
> 410.548.2337

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Stanlake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2002 1:04 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: sessionquery.recordcount

> hi,
> we have the following code...

>       <cfquery name="session.myResults" datasource="#request.ds#">
>       select  *
>       from    theTable
>       </cfquery>

> <!--- create an array of 1's to use in queryAddColumn --->
>       <cfset defaultValueArray = ArrayNew(1)>
>       <cfloop index="i" from="1" to="#session.myResults.recordCount#">
>               <cfset defaultValueArray[i] = 1>
>       </cfloop>

> occasionally, we exit this piece of code and the length of the array is
> different from the length of the query.  ie:

>       arraylen(defaultValueArray) != session.myResults.recordCount.

> It seems to me that this should never happen.

> I've changed the name of the table and the session variable, but
> otherwise
> the code is a cut-and-paste.  I realize there are a bunch of different
> ways
> to do this, but I want to know what causes this behaviour.  Has anyone
> else
> seen something similar?  recordcount not always returning the right
> value?
> cfloop bailing out early? funniness when storing queries in the session
> scope?

> thanks,
> simon

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