Hi all,

Sorry for the OT but this should be a quick answer. This is in ASP (sorry).

If I have the following:
  sql = "SELECT * FROM SomeTable "
  sql = sql & "WHERE Email = '" & Request("un") & "'"
  sql = sql & " OR SEmail = '" & Request("un") & "'"
  sql = sql & " AND IsDeleted = 0 "
  sql = sql & " AND Password = '" & Request("pw") & "'"
  sql = sql & " AND Approved = 1 "
  sql = sql & " AND Registered = 1 "

Where Email is the "primary" email and SEmail is a "secondary" email address
(both are different addresses). If the submission doesn't match the first
then it matches the second, how do I account for that? Right now, I am
getting an error because the record doesn't match.

Any ideas?


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