Hi Ruben,

If you turn on Full Checking in your CFAdmin,  you will have to CFLOCK each
APPLICATION, SERVER and SESSION Variables you try to access, either in
read-only or exclusive.
I talked to Allaire, and this is the good way to handle these variables
(APP, SERVER and SESSION), since they are shared for all user in memory
(even SESSION variables.)

So first of all, when I use APPLICATION variables, I always CFLOCK these,
and then I pass them to the REQUEST scope, which can be accessed from
anywhere during the excution of a template (i.e. if a CustomTag is called,
he will be able to access the REQUEST variable, even though it was been set
in the caller template). You do not CFLOCK the whole custom tag.

Naturally, this is making the APPLICATION variables pretty useless, since
you should always CFLOCK your APPLICATION variables in order to access them.
So the only reason you would need application variables is to store
"complex" structures of data (i.e. recordset of a query). Then if you would
have to CFLOCK your APPLICATION variable to pass it to the REQUEST scope.

In case of a Struct, you will need to StructCopy it, since a simple
affectation only points to it.

If you have any problem with what I'm trying to say, write me personnally,
and I'll try to help you.

Frédéric LeMieux ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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