Complete is a property of the form, not the user, so neither a session
nor a client variable are appropriate, and unless each instance of a
form is a unique application (that seems unlikely from your desc.), then
an application variable would be inapropriate.

I would have a complete bit in a table in a database for each form, so
you simply query out whether or not the form is completed where
necessary. All the query needs to know is the StudentID.

The table structure might look something like this:
StudentID | Form1 | Form2 | Form3 | ReviewedByCaseManager
A12345      1       0       0       0


Friday, December 6, 2002, 2:20:08 PM, you wrote:
JJ> I generally make client variables those that aren't going to change while
JJ> the user is logged in. (ie:Group type=admin/etc)
JJ> I have an app that will have several different forms per student. (some with
JJ> one to many relationships/some with one to one). 
JJ> If a case manager says the forms are complete =All forms except one becomes
JJ> read only.  
JJ> If the case manager says they are not complete = All forms can be edited by
JJ> a variety of users.
JJ> I'm wondering what type of variable this Complete=Y/N should be...

JJ> It will have  to follow each student through all the forms, but reset when a
JJ> new student is chosen. I'm assuming client variable isn't appropriate for
JJ> this.... 
JJ> Thanks for the input.
JJ> j

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