The simplest answer is to submit the form to a "preview" page, and pass the
information along to a "confirm" page as hidden fields.  Something like this:

<!--- input page --->
<form action="preview.cfm" method="post">
<textarea name="news" cols="50" rows="10" wrap="virtual"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Preview article">

<!--- preview page --->
<form action="addarticle.cfm" method="post">
Here is how it will look.  Hit "back" to make any changes.
<formatting stuff>
</formatting stuff>
<input type="hidden" name="news" value="">
<input type="submit" value="Submit article">

<!--- final page --->
<cfquery name="insertArticle" datasource="#APPLICATION.dsn#">
        SQL stuff

Thanks for your submission!


At 11:01 AM 6/29/2000 -0400, Jeff Fongemie wrote:
>Hey everyone,
>I have a site where the users can add text to a form that will then 
>go to database, and from that a "news page" will get it's 
>information. Easy.
>But, my client wants a way to add the text, hit enter, then preview 
>it with the ability to make changes before it goes live. After the 
>preview/change process he can hit another submit button to have the 
>info go live.
>I'm looking for ideas as to where to start. Is this possible? Do I 
>need 2 tables, a beta table that is used before it goes live to the 
>final table? I'd need to figure out how to get the record from the 
>beta table to the live table.
>Any better/other ideas? All help or suggestions are appreciated on 
>this one...
>Jeff F.
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