Sorry, Dave.  I guess I wasn't clear enuf.  The original had "'s 
intended..." referring to client scope.

My comment about "practicality" referred to client scope not to session 
scope.  I was simply pointing out that it can be practical to use client 
scope.  I did not mean to imply session variables were not practical.  I 
was reacting to the suggestion that client scope was "intended more for 
long-term user data storage"  I'm not exactly sure what the writer meant by 
this, but I didn't want the suggestion that client scope should not be used 
to maintain state to just lie there.

As always, conclusions are application-dependent.  In the application I 
spend most of my time on, every page has database queries, and the ms spent 
on pulling client variables out of a database is not where the time is 
being spent.  In addition, I don't use the default client variable database 
storage method that requires parsing a #-delimited list to get each client 
variable. My client variable database has a specific column for each client 

best,  paul

At 05:13 PM 12/14/02 -0500, you wrote:
> > > The Client scope isn't really intended to behave the
> > > same way as the Session scope - it's intended more
> > > for long-term user data storage, rather than storing
> > > data during an individual visit.
> >
> > It's intent is one thing. It's practicality is another.
> >
> > I never use session scope to maintain state. I use client
> > scope and store client variables in a database. I let the
> > database worry about what it is good at - locking, so I
> > don't have to worry about it.
>While this may ease your coding, especially with versions prior to CFMX, I
>would disagree with your implication that it's not practical to use the
>Session scope.
>It's pretty expensive to add a database query to every page, which is what
>you're doing when you use the Client scope. Storing short-term data in
>memory is much, much cheaper, and perfectly safe if you write your code
>Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
>voice: (202) 797-5496
>fax: (202) 797-5444
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