Does CFMX have better sockets support through Java now? If so, it might be
trivial to whip something simple up...

        -- jon

-----Original Message-----
From: Brandon Harper [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 3:49 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: CF Instant Messaging

An option besides those old tags is PresenceWorks ( ).  I've worked enough with it enough to
get something basic working in CF 5, then another project came along and
I haven't gotten back to it yet.  Perhaps I'll be able to write it as a
CFC by the time it's a priority again and open source it at CFLib or
something along those lines.  I don't remember what the service cost of
PresenceWorks is offhand, but its very reasonable.  The support is very
good as well-- when I had some questions I ended-up talking to the
person who wrote their Java API.

I think combining PresenceWorks with the open source work which has
already been done to figure out the AIM/ICQ (they both use the same
login servers now.. rumor is they are working to merge protocols,
finally!), MSN, and Yahoo protocols, I suppose you could eventually roll
something together.  However it seems like a pretty big PITA and
potentially maintenance heavy item if its not core to you or your
clients business.

- Brandon


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