Unfortunately not.  The following code hangs there
forever when a DS is not available, thanks anyway.

      <!--- Get "factory" --->
      <!--- Get datasource service --->
      <CFSET dsService=factory.getDataSourceService()>
      <!--- Validate DSN --->

      <!--- If any error, return FALSE --->
          <CFCATCH TYPE="any">
             <CFSET result="false">

  <CFIF result IS NOT "false">
        DS THERE
        remote ds not available.        

--- Matthew Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> These two cfmx UDFs from cflib.org may help:
> <cfscript>
>       function DSNExists(DSN) {
>               var factory =
>               var DSNs =
> factory.getDataSourceService().getNames();
>               return
> yesNoFormat(listFindNoCase(arrayToList(DSNs),
> DSN));
>       }
> </cfscript>
> <!---
>  Verifies a DSN is working.
>  @param dsn    Name of a DSN you want to verify.
> (Required)
>  @return Returns a Boolean. 
>  @author Ben Forta ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
>  @version 1, October 15, 2002 
> --->
>    <CFARGUMENT NAME="dsn" TYPE="string"
> REQUIRED="yes">
>    <!--- initialize variables --->
>    <CFSET var dsService="">
>    <!--- Try/catch block, throws errors if bad DSN
> --->
>    <CFSET var result="true">
>    <CFTRY>
>       <!--- Get "factory" --->
>                 TYPE="JAVA"
> CLASS="coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory"
>                 NAME="factory">
>       <!--- Get datasource service --->
>       <CFSET
> dsService=factory.getDataSourceService()>
>       <!--- Validate DSN --->
>       <CFSET result=dsService.verifyDatasource(dsn)>
>       <!--- If any error, return FALSE --->
>         <CFCATCH TYPE="any">
>            <CFSET result="false">
>         </CFCATCH>
>    </CFTRY>
>    <CFRETURN result>
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Li Chunshen (Don) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, 1 January 2003 11:37 a.m.
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Request Time 
> > 
> > 
> > specs: CFMX on WinXP Pro; remote datasources on
> Win2k
> > Pro.
> > 
> > Requestimeout set to 40 seconds via CF admin
> (server
> > has been rebooted, my friend).  Expect cf server
> to
> > throw requestimeout msg, better, gracefully,
> > regardless of the types of request.  Problem, when
> > trying to connect to an unavailable remote
> datasource
> > (who can garanttee it's always available?), 
> instead
> > of 40 seconds timeout, CFMX keeps on trying and
> trying
> > though asked otherwise, what's going on?  With
> CF5, an
> > undocumented tag of Is_CFdatasource takes care of
> the
> > problem very well.  Thanks.
> > 
> > DL
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > __________________________________________________
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> > Yahoo! Mail Plus - Powerful. Affordable. Sign up
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> > http://mailplus.yahoo.com
> > 

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