> That's exactly what I have in my UDFlib directory and
> my thought of how it may work but of course it's up to
> MM to make it work as you described.

I think it's a good idea.  Make sure you submit it at the URL I posted  
earlier.  All feature requests get reviewed before work on a new  
version of a product begins.

> btw, you need to help me to push MM to fix some
> problems as well, such as the Oracle8i driver and
> request timeout.  Matthew Walker's 2 UDF referrals are
> interesting, however, they failed to solve the request
> timeout problem.

Have you tried contacting support about these issues yet?  If so,  
what's the status of the case?


> Thanks.
> DL
> --- Christian Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
>> Interesting idea.  So how exactly would this work?
>> Would ColdFusion
>> expect one function per file, with the requirement
>> that the file and
>> the function have the same name?  Then you could
>> call any arbitrary
>> UDF, and the CF server would look in the proper
>> directory for the right
>> file, then execute the function in that file.  How
>> else could this work?
>> Let's flesh it out a bit here, then I invite you to
>> submit your idea to
>> Macromedia at the following URL:
> http://www.macromedia.com/support/email/wishform/?6213=3
>> Christian
>> On Wednesday, January 1, 2003, at 04:40 PM, Li
>> Chunshen ((Don)) wrote:
>>> According to Macromedia's CFMX References on Using
>>> UDFs effectively:
>>> "Consider the following techniques for making your
>>> functions available to your ColdFusion pages:
>>> If you consistently call a small number of UDFs,
>>> consider putting their definitions on the
>>> Application.cfm page.
>>> If you call UDFs in only a few of your application
>>> pages, do not include their definitions in
>>> Application.cfm.
>>> If you use many UDFs, put their definitions on one
>> or
>>> more ColdFusion pages that contain only UDFs. You
>> can
>>> include the UDF definition page in any page that
>> calls
>>> the UDFs. "
>>> I agree with everything it states, and I think it
>>> might help more if CFMX predefines a UDF library
>> path
>>> such as UDFlib under CFMX installation instead of
>> an
>>> arbitrary directory, I can see several benefits of
>>> this approach:
>>> consistency -- especially helpful for large
>>> development environment;
>>> easier for reuse -- across applications/projects
>>> (this one is similar to CFMODULE's dot notation
>>> method, I love it)
>>> And I don't see any downside of it.  Thanks.
>>> DL
>>> --- Matthew Walker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> wrote:
>>>> These two cfmx UDFs from cflib.org may help:
>>>> <cfscript>
>>>>    function DSNExists(DSN) {
>>>>            var factory =
> createObject("java","coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory");
>>>>            var DSNs =
>>>> factory.getDataSourceService().getNames();
>>>>            return
>>>> yesNoFormat(listFindNoCase(arrayToList(DSNs),
>>>> DSN));
>>>>    }
>>>> </cfscript>
>>>> <!---
>>>>  Verifies a DSN is working.
>>>>  @param dsn         Name of a DSN you want to verify.
>>>> (Required)
>>>>  @return Returns a Boolean.
>>>>  @author Ben Forta ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
>>>>  @version 1, October 15, 2002
>>>> --->
>> RETURNTYPE="boolean">
>>>>    <CFARGUMENT NAME="dsn" TYPE="string"
>>>> REQUIRED="yes">
>>>>    <!--- initialize variables --->
>>>>    <CFSET var dsService="">
>>>>    <!--- Try/catch block, throws errors if bad
>> DSN
>>>> --->
>>>>    <CFSET var result="true">
>>>>    <CFTRY>
>>>>       <!--- Get "factory" --->
>>>>                 TYPE="JAVA"
>>>> CLASS="coldfusion.server.ServiceFactory"
>>>>                 NAME="factory">
>>>>       <!--- Get datasource service --->
>>>>       <CFSET
>>>> dsService=factory.getDataSourceService()>
>>>>       <!--- Validate DSN --->
>>>>       <CFSET
>> result=dsService.verifyDatasource(dsn)>
>>>>       <!--- If any error, return FALSE --->
>>>>      <CFCATCH TYPE="any">
>>>>         <CFSET result="false">
>>>>      </CFCATCH>
>>>>    </CFTRY>
>>>>    <CFRETURN result>
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Li Chunshen (Don)
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>>>> Sent: Wednesday, 1 January 2003 11:37 a.m.
>>>>> To: CF-Talk
>>>>> Subject: Request Time
>>>>> specs: CFMX on WinXP Pro; remote datasources on
>>>> Win2k
>>>>> Pro.
>>>>> Requestimeout set to 40 seconds via CF admin
>>>> (server
>>>>> has been rebooted, my friend).  Expect cf server
>>>> to
>>>>> throw requestimeout msg, better, gracefully,
>>>>> regardless of the types of request.  Problem,
>> when
>>>>> trying to connect to an unavailable remote
>>>> datasource
>>>>> (who can garanttee it's always available?),
>>>> instead
>>>>> of 40 seconds timeout, CFMX keeps on trying and
>>>> trying
>>>>> though asked otherwise, what's going on?  With
>>>> CF5, an
>>>>> undocumented tag of Is_CFdatasource takes care
>> of
>>>> the
>>>>> problem very well.  Thanks.
>>>>> DL
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