Howard Owens wrote:
>Any suggestions on why the scheduled events trigger but don't >produce any results?

I've always been able to get it to work, but the formula for success has not always 
been entirely straightforward.

This may sound strange at first, but have you tried waiting for 24 hours to see if the 
thing kicks in?

I've had my server monitor running for months on my home-based cf server.  Then I had 
to fiddle with something in cfschedule (I forget what, exactly) for another task and 
suddenly the thing went dead as a doornail.  Couldn't get it to restart despite 
tinkering with all kinds of stuff.

After a bit I gave up and went on to other things, but was very surprised to see it 
had fired up again the next day, beginning at the start time of the event -- despite 
the fact that the starting *date* was in the past.

I've also had success using '' action="UPDATE" '' in my cfschedule statement.

All of the above is for CF 4.5.1sp2.  As an aside MX scheduling behaved just fine 
after an upgrade overtop of cf 4.5x.

Shots in the dark, maybe, but who knows...

Matt Robertson, MSB Designs, Inc. - Retail - ColdFusion Tools

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