I don't fully undertand what you're doing.  The first two queries, are those
examples of the data inside those tables, or are they views/queries of some
other table.  It seems like all you need is a simple table join.  Perhaps
you could send me the database and cfml off list and I could look at it for
you. You'll have to email me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, January 10, 2003 7:03 PM
Subject: SQL Query Help - Access Lookup tables and query output not
accurate - not working

> Hello List -
> I can not get this query down for the life of me. After a wasted
> afternoon - I am hoping ( I know you can) someone will assist me.
> I have an access table I am grabbing my information from - table -
> ModuleFeatures
> ModuleFeatures contains Column iModule -WHICH is a lookup to a
> ApplicationModules table
> SELECT [ApplicationModules].[iApplicationModuleID],
> [ApplicationModules].[sModuleName] FROM ApplicationModules;
> and it has an iApplication colum - which again is a lookup to a
> Application table -
> SELECT [ApplicationTypes].[iApplicationID],
> [ApplicationTypes].[sApplicationName] FROM ApplicationTypes;
> That is the code WITHIN access. Now on coldusion - I run a simple query
> to grab these features -
> <cfquery name="GetModuleFeatures" datasource="#dsndata#">
> SELECT iModule, iApplication, sModuleFeature FROM ModuleFeatures
> ORDER BY iModule, iApplication
> </cfquery>
> And the output is equally as simple -
> <cfoutput query="GetModuleFeatures" group="iModule">
> #iModule# : within #iApplication#<br>
> <cfoutput>&nbsp; #sModuleFeature#<br></cfoutput>
> </cfoutput>
> This outputs perfectly. And the statement above - #iModule# : within
> #iApplication# was for a test. And it outputs correctly. So what it ends
> up with is
> 8: within 2 -
> 8 in Table ApplicationModules = Medical Records
> 2 in Table ApplicationTypes = Financial Applications.
> So instead of
> 8: within 2 - I need it to say
> Medical Records: within Financial Applications
> When I modified my simple query and alter the query to grab from both
> tables - it threw everything off.
> The ONLY working solution is that I can do this... modify the output
> query (shown below )-which does the trick - but is a headache. Not to
> mention - I have to do that with iModule - and there are upwards of 30
> modules. Setting those by hand defeats the purpose of pulling from a
> database.
> I know I there is a way to modify my simple query - but going on 3 hours
> of tinkering and can not get it to work right or if I get it working -
> it's not accurate.
> Sorry this is long - but I figured the more info - the better someone
> can help me!
> Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> <!--- reassign numbers with names --->
> <cfparam name="ThisApp" default="">
> <cfif iApplication EQ 1>
> <cfset ThisApp ="Financial Systems">
> <cfelseif iApplication EQ 2>
> <cfset ThisApp ="Management Systems">
> <cfelseif iApplication EQ 3>
> <cfset ThisApp ="Clinical Applications">
> </cfif>
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