> It all comes down to the complexity of the SQL -- 
> specifically how much server-specific stuff you need 
> to do. Obscure (or obsfucated) functions (e.g. MySQL 
> password hash function), crazy things like code pages 
> and collation orders, queries with linked servers, etc. 
> All that stuff will burn you. Run-of-the-mill DML, no 
> biggie.

There's a broad middle ground between "run-of-the-mill DML" and queries with
linked servers; my point was simply that you can feasibly develop against
Sybase for MS SQL Server deployment, or vice versa. Not that it's ideal,
again, but you can use the vast majority of T-SQL commands (as opposed to
"run-of-the-mill" ANSI SQL) and get identical results since Sybase and MS
SQL Server are a lot closer than any other two enterprise database

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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