There are several login tags available, but the best way is to just have a
page that loggs the user in. I normally use a page called Login.cfm. All
this page does is, checks the users information that they posted on the
login form against the database, and if they are valid, I set some
application level variables and the like, then redirect them to the
appropriate page. If they do not have a account or did not enter their
infrmation correctly, they are redirected to the login page with a message
of what they did wrong.

So for instance, the code could look like this:

Validate the user againstthe database

<cfquery datasource="#Application.DSN#" Name="qry_CheckUser">
    Select Fname, Lname, UserID, Password
    From Users
    Where #TRIM(Users.UserID = Form.UserID)# AND #TRIM(Password =

Check to see if the information is valid

<cfif (qry_CheckUser.Recordcount) IS "1">
    set application, session or client variables here and redirect them with

Set error message to display and send them back to the login page displaying
the error message.


This is a very simplified login routine. Like I said, there are several out
there on the Developers Exchange. Just do a search for Login.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: How can I redirect a user?

> I'm setting up authentication against a database, and I have the form
> data going to a seperate page that I want users not to see (just a
> preference of mine)...Once the page is done processing, I want to push
> the users off to a different page...How do I do that?  Are there any CF
> tags for it?
> Thank you,
> Scott
> PS.  I'm very wet behind my ears, so if there's some tricks for
> authenticating against a db, please feel free to tell me.
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