Yeah, with MX development I have been using their security, but I have
usually rolled my own. I am also not in the habit of using multiple
pages in my applications, usually a form of fusebox. I guess it is
really how you feel comftable doing it, I am just not very fond of
CFLOCATION at all, I use it to direct to downloads, that is about it,
and only so the end user does not see the location of the file usually.

Robert Bailey
"Famous for nothing!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Bruce Sorge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 9:08 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: How can I redirect a user?

There are several login tags available, but the best way is to just have
a page that loggs the user in. I normally use a page called Login.cfm.
All this page does is, checks the users information that they posted on
the login form against the database, and if they are valid, I set some
application level variables and the like, then redirect them to the
appropriate page. If they do not have a account or did not enter their
infrmation correctly, they are redirected to the login page with a
message of what they did wrong.

So for instance, the code could look like this:

Validate the user againstthe database

<cfquery datasource="#Application.DSN#" Name="qry_CheckUser">
    Select Fname, Lname, UserID, Password
    From Users
    Where #TRIM(Users.UserID = Form.UserID)# AND #TRIM(Password =

Check to see if the information is valid

<cfif (qry_CheckUser.Recordcount) IS "1">
    set application, session or client variables here and redirect them
with cflocation

Set error message to display and send them back to the login page
displaying the error message.


This is a very simplified login routine. Like I said, there are several
out there on the Developers Exchange. Just do a search for Login.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Scott Wilhelm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 13, 2003 10:52 AM
Subject: How can I redirect a user?

> I'm setting up authentication against a database, and I have the form 
> data going to a seperate page that I want users not to see (just a 
> preference of mine)...Once the page is done processing, I want to push

> the users off to a different page...How do I do that?  Are there any 
> CF tags for it?
> Thank you,
> Scott
> PS.  I'm very wet behind my ears, so if there's some tricks for 
> authenticating against a db, please feel free to tell me.

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