OK, let me clarify my situation with this problem.  I'm using CFHTTP to post to the 
Domino server (if there was a human involved he would be entering fields into a page 
with a <FORM ACTION= > tag that points to the same URL on the Domino server.  WHen it 
works, I get back a string that says "FORM PROCESSED" and when it doesn't (for 
whatever reason) I don't get anything other than the 404 status code and "Connection 
Failure" content.  Everything is working just fine unless I pass a form field with 
either an ampersand or a question mark, then in some cases (but not all) I get the 404 
... situation.  I'm real sure that they are messed up on their end, but wanted to be 
certain that there wasn't some aspect of CFHTTP that I'm not aware of that would make 
it sensitive to these characters (even though we are talking formfields in the 
CFHTTPPARAM and not URL variables).

The comment about how they say they do their Domino programming was intended to be 
tongue-in-check, but also an indication of the level of understanding of their own 
application.  I think we all know that nothing happens "automatically" (with the usual 
exceptions of death, taxes, the weather, etc.).

So back to my original question, does any of this ring a bell or spark a couple of 
neurons with anyone? 

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