I am not sure about CFMX, but the following works in CF5 :

        foo = structnew();      
        temp = StructInsert(foo,"Doprotocol", 1,"yes");
        temp = StructInsert(foo,"eventdate", "2002-01-09","yes");
        temp = StructInsert(foo,"gender",  "male","yes");       
<cfwddx action="CFML2WDDX" input="#foo#" output="myfoo">
<cfdump var="#foo#"> 


-----Original Message-----
From: Patti G. L. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 14 January 2003 15:48
To: CF-Talk
Subject: WDDX bug?: structure keys into arrays unintentionally

Has anybody else seen this?

I've got a large structure with a bunch of single key values like:

Doprotocol | 1
Eventdate | 2002-01-09
Gender | male

When I wddx it and look at the results, a lot of these keys are turned into
arrays.  Not only that, but some of the arrays have 4 indices (all with the
same values:

Doprotocol | 1
Eventdate |
    -- array --
    1: 2002-01-09
    2: 2002-01-09
    3: 2002-01-09
    4: 2002-01-09
Gender |
    -- array --
    1: male

Why?  Is this a bug that I need to log?  I'm running CFMX with both updates
and a security patch.

Here is the wddx code.  It's in a component.

[cffunction name="saveWddxReport" output="false" returntype="void"

    [cfargument name="saeid" required="true" type="numeric"]
    [cfargument name="report" required="true" type="struct"]
    [cfargument name="saveType" required="true" type="string"

    [cfset var wddxReport=""]

    [cfwddx input="#arguments.report#" action="cfml2wddx"

       [cfif arguments.saveType eq 'initial']
          [cfquery name="saveReport" datasource="#request.dsn#"]
             Insert into saeReport_initial (saeid, report)
             Values (#arguments.saeid#, '#wddxReport#')

       [cfelseif arguments.saveType eq 'final']
          [cfquery name="saveReport" datasource="#request.dsn#"]
             Insert into saeReport_final (saeid, report)
             Values (#arguments.saeid#, '#wddxReport#')

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