It would help if you could see the problem for yourself.  Follow the link
and take a look at the dump...  Look at the maindata structure key.

You'll have to log in

user: gumcd        Pass: D2002irb

If I tried to explain further I'd just confuse you.  My frustration is
beginning to affect my lucidity.


Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:

> I am not clear on what you want/are experiencing.....?
> Are you saying your nested structures are not supposed to be structures?
> ....Why all this talk about structures, surely the only struct you want is
> the one to WDDX, and the rest should be simple key > value pairs?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patti G. L. Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 14 January 2003 16:49
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: WDDX bug?: structure keys into arrays unintentionally
> I tried my own version of this test... A very simple structure with a nested
> structure and a simple key.  No problem. It wddxed just fine.  So great.
> I'm running into one of those, 'so difficult to reproduce it must be user
> error, go read the manual' things.  Great.
> The code I used to try to reproduce the problem (that didn't create the
> behavior at all)
> [cfscript]
>           teststruct = structnew();
>  = 'bar';
>           teststruct.foofoo = structnew();
>  = 'foo';
> [/cfscript] 
> [cfdump var="#teststruct#"]
> [cfwddx input="#teststruct#" output="wddxteststruct" action="cfml2wddx"
> [cfdump var="#wddxteststruct#"]
> Robertson-Ravo, Neil (RX) wrote:
>> <cfscript>
>> foo = structnew();
>> temp = StructInsert(foo,"Doprotocol", 1,"yes");
>> temp = StructInsert(foo,"eventdate", "2002-01-09","yes");
>> temp = StructInsert(foo,"gender",  "male","yes");
>> </cfscript>
>> <cfwddx action="CFML2WDDX" input="#foo#" output="myfoo">
>> <cfdump var="#foo#">
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