> You could of course steer away from using <cf_myCT> 
> and instead just use the <cfmodule file="myCF"> tag...  
> Not as eloquent, but if that's the only real rule 
> breakdown, then you can disregard that feature...

That won't make any difference in this case. If you place closing slashes in
your CFMODULE tags, they'll run twice just like any other custom tag call.
These would all be equivalent, assuming you had a custom tag in the same
directory as the calling page named foo.cfm:

<cf_foo />
<cfmodule template="foo.cfm" />
<cfmodule template="foo.cfm"></cfmodule>

In addition, using CFMODULE may cause some other unintended consequences. If
you're using nested custom tags, you'll have to be careful to make sure to
close the base tags and the sub tags. For example, if you had this:


and converted it to CFMODULE, you might then have this:

<cfmodule template="foo.cfm">
        <cfmodule template="bar.cfm">

However, that would cause a problem, since CF would associate the closing
CFMODULE tag with the second opening tag, not the first. So, you'd need to
do this:

<cfmodule template="foo.cfm">
        <cfmodule template="bar.cfm" /> <!--- note the closing slash --->

That said, there are plenty of good reasons to use CFMODULE anyway, despite
the fact that it doesn't help in this case.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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