Hello CF-Talk community:

    For the last year or so I've been working on an application called
"Visual FusionŠ" (Patent pending). The application is basically a program
that takes ColdFusion coding to the next level and allows you to create
stand-alone applications written in ColdFusion (CFML) code. The application
works exactly like Visual Basic, but powered by CFML. The idea is to allow
ColdFusion developers the ability to distribute their existing ColdFusion
projects without the need of a web server / ColdFusion server. After the
application is created, you compile it and create an .EXE for it (with the
ability to create a setup, etc..). Therefore allowing us ColdFusion
developers to sell our applications to clients that cannot afford or don't
want to buy servers (ColdFusion server / Web Server) and to distribute our
applications much more securely without the chance of "decrypting" and loss
of our techniques. The other thing about this application is that it will
also be an alternative to application development as an alternative to
Visual Basic.

I wanted to see the reaction for such an application and to see what
everyone's thoughts and comments were on such an application.

Also, I while back I messaged asking people that know Java Programming who
would like to help build this application to speed up the development. If
anyone out there would like to help build this product and take part of
profits as payment, let me know. I sure can use the help! :)

I welcome all suggestions and comments...

Pablo Varando

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