I'm no stranger to writing CF code and updataing a database is a snap,
however I'm dumbfounded by this bug.

Here is the setup Compaq server with CFMX running (upgraded from CF5) 1GIG
or ram and 40gig of free space. The server processes istn even hitting 2%
utilization yet.

Ok here is the problem:

I have a form to insert / update records to a database (Access) I know I
would much rather use SQL but that id a different story, anyways I created a
news form very simple feilds are title, date, and article, the tables
defined in the database are as follows.

ID = AutoNumber
NewsTitle =text, 50
NewsDate = text, 50
NewsArticle =Memo
 Really Simple right...

Well for some reason I cannot get the news article to show up it will update
and I can insert a new record but when I do a CFDUMP of the query it says
"[empty string]" under the NewsArticle feild is. But when I download the
database from the server to view it, the table has the data in the feild.
whats even more confusing is that the two other feild display and update

Here is the insert statment:
<cfinsert dbtype="ODBC" datasource="srcs" tablename="TeamNews"

Here is the Update statment:
  <cfquery datasource="srcs" dbtype="ODBC">
  UPDATE TeamNews
   SET NewsDate = '#NewsDate#', NewsTitle = '#NewsTitle#', NewsArticle =
  WHERE ID = #Update#;

Thanks in advance
Ernie Pena
U. T. MD Anderson

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