I added a field with the full XML response from UPS. In case anyone 
is interested. :)

On 2/5/03, Bud penned:
>OK. $250.00 reward to the first person who can tell me what I'm doing
>wrong or give me evidence/show me how to prove that UPS is returning
>the wrong character set. Knowing UPS, I suspect it's the latter.
>Here is the page:
>Click Next.
>The text in the top textarea field is being returned by UPS which I'm
>stripping from the XML. It is all screwed up. Most notably the French
>text at the bottom, but also trademark symbols and such.
>The text in the bottom textarea field is the hard-coded text they
>sent to me which I pasted in and displays properly.
>I'm using this at the top of the template:
><cfset setEncoding("form","iso-8859-1")>
><cfset setEncoding("URL","iso-8859-1")>
><cfcontent type="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
>This is in the HTML HEAD tag:
><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
>I tried using <CFPROCESSINGDIRECTIVE pageencoding="iso-8859-1"> in
>both the template and the custom tag I'm calling but it didn't make a
>CFMX server. CrystalTech.
>Here is the response from UPS Tech support. They are absolutely no help:
>Thank you for your email.  Due to the many environments and ways which
>customers can implement the XML Tools, we do not support code directly and
>provide source code samples for reference only.  Unfortunately we can not
>provide you with access to a cold fusion developer, we do however
>provide Visual Basic and Java source code samples that employ the ISO-8859-1
>standard.  The ISO-8859-1 character-set is necessary to be able to use the
>special French characters and is returned by our servers please reference
>the header of our XML response which contains the encoding specification of
>ISO-8859-1.  Since the French charter-set is not being properly displayed in
>the web page we anticipate that your program is manipulating the encoding of
>the text and setting the encoding to UTF-8 or UTF-16.  Please review your
>programming environment.

Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations

ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
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