How about a SELECT TOP 1
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jason Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 5:39 PM
Subject: Changing Order By - designating specific value to return first

> Hello list - I have a query that specifys a specific order - I need to
> take the last value in the order by statement and alter that... for
> example -
> Query is
> <cfquery name="GetModuleFeatures" datasource="#dsndata#">
> SELECT mf.iModule, mf.iApplication, mf.sModuleFeature,
> mf.sFeatureIndent, mf.sFeatureSubHeading, mf.iModuleID, mf.LTC_Related,
> mf.Reh_Related, mf.Inp_Related, mf.Out_Related,
>         am.smodulename
> FROM ModuleFeatures mf, applicationmodules am
> WHERE mf.imodule = am.iapplicationmoduleID AND #ProviderPage# = 1 AND
> iApplication = #ApplicationPage#
> ORDER BY iApplication, iModule, sFeatureSubHeading
> </cfquery>
> THe ORDER BY iApplication, iModule is exactly as i need.
> Now - the issue is sFeatureSubHeading - If I sort by any logical order
> it is incorrect - values returned as of now are as expected sample
> output is:
> Distribution
> General Features
> Materials Management Inventory
> Purchase Order Production etc etc etc
> What I would like is simple force if so General Features displays first
> - then the others like so
> General Features
> Distribution
> Materials Management Inventory
> Purchase Order Production etc etc etc
> I don't care really about the others although keeping the balance would
> be good in alphabetical.
> Typically I would give up and add a sort order field - which I don't
> have... Is there another way to do it other than add a new column for no
> reason to force General Features above all else?
> The query works great and is the core query for 16 active pages so I
> don't want to have to modify it too much.
> THanks!
> jay
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