Hey all.

I've brought this up before, but I've not seen a lot of response.  I'm looking for an 
ASP.NET mailing list.  I love cf-talk, because the majority of you are geniuses 
(blatant flattery here) but any of the asp.net mailing lists I've seen have lacked 
activity, even the topica mailing lists.

I think a lot of CFers like myself are reskilling to ASP.NET or JSP (or multi-sklling) 
so I wanted to see if anyone on this list would be interested in an ASP.NET list?  
Maybe michael dinowitz could set it up.  I could start a list on my mail server but I 
am completely lacking in a web based subscription/archiving application.

Any takers or should I shut up before the CF purists come with pitchforks and torches.


Archives: http://www.houseoffusion.com/cf_lists/index.cfm?forumid=4
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