> Supposedly...I've never found that to be the case though. 
> It only seems to work at a template level for me, refreshing 
> any cached queries that are executed after the cfobjectcache 
> statement during the request. Any other cached queries for 
> that application remain cached, unaffected by cfobjectcache. 
> Any cached queries that are executed before the cfobjectcache
> statement will refresh the next time the query is executed.
> This applies to CF5, I don't know about MX.
> If there is a trick I am missing I'd love to know about it.

That's odd. I remember you mentioning this before. I just built a very
simple test case, consisting of two separate pages, one containing a CFQUERY
with CACHEDWITHIN and the other containing CFOBJECTCACHE. I then turned on
debugging, and ran the query page twice (the second time to cache the
query), then ran the second page, then reran the query page, and the query
was no longer cached. I did this under CF 5 and CFMX. It worked under both.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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