Thursday, February 27, 2003, 6:48:53 PM, you wrote:
>> Supposedly...I've never found that to be the case though. 
>> It only seems to work at a template level for me, refreshing 
>> any cached queries that are executed after the cfobjectcache 
>> statement during the request. Any other cached queries for 
>> that application remain cached, unaffected by cfobjectcache. 
>> Any cached queries that are executed before the cfobjectcache
>> statement will refresh the next time the query is executed.
>> This applies to CF5, I don't know about MX.
>> If there is a trick I am missing I'd love to know about it.

DW> That's odd. I remember you mentioning this before. I just built a very
DW> simple test case, consisting of two separate pages, one containing a CFQUERY
DW> with CACHEDWITHIN and the other containing CFOBJECTCACHE. I then turned on
DW> debugging, and ran the query page twice (the second time to cache the
DW> query), then ran the second page, then reran the query page, and the query
DW> was no longer cached. I did this under CF 5 and CFMX. It worked under both.

Running a quick test case seemed to confirm that is does indeed work
as it should using cachedwithin queries. Running the test case though
I found out that apparently CF ignores the name attribute of a cached
query when deciding whether to return a cached recordset it and only
uses the sql. Learn something new every day...

This may have been the cause of my confusion, as the only place I have
tested cfobjectcache was on a server with a bunch of nearly identical
applications. So i would go from site to site seeing the queries
cached, even though the page had never been executed. For now, I guess
I'll have to take back my post. :)


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