On Friday, Feb 28, 2003, at 10:35 US/Pacific, Barney Boisvert wrote:
> I was thinking on my way to work that mod_rewrite might provide the
> solution, but I don't know if mod-rewrite will have time to fire 
> before the
> request gets taken by JRun (I'm not optimistic).

Yes, you can use mod_rewrite and it will get there ahead of mod_jrun 
(at least, that's my experience). So you can have a virtualhost for 
site1 that rewrites URLs that don't begin with app1 to have the context 
root and a virtualhost for site2 that does the same for app2. (That 
would mean a request to site1/app2 would get rewritten to 
site1/app1/app2 and thus fail - which is what you want).

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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-- Margaret Atwood

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