Here is a real quicky I put together over lunch:
====================== Start Code ==========================================
<cfparam name="Attributes.IP" default="">
<cfif ListLen(Attributes.IP, ".") NEQ 4 OR ListGetAt(Attributes.IP, "1",
".") EQ 0>
Error catching goes here. A long cfif goes above to catch possible
errors in each octet of the IP address. The current catching is very
<cfset Error = "Bad IP address provided">
DotlessIP = (ListGetAt(Attributes.IP, "1", ".") * (256 ^ 3)) +
(ListGetAt(Attributes.IP, "2", ".") * (256 ^ 2)) +
(ListGetAt(Attributes.IP, "3", ".") * 256) + ListGetAt(Attributes.IP, "4",
<cfif NOT isDefined("Error")>
<cfset Caller.DotlessIP = DotlessIP>
<cfset Caller.DotlessIP = Error>
========================== End Code ===============================
Not very elegant, but it works.
At 01:11 PM 7/10/2000 -0400, you wrote:
>I'm holding back from posting my tag result to the gallery so I can see what
>others will try. If anyone wants the tag now without trying to do it
>themselves, contact me off list.
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