> This product should still be deeply in Beta. But it isn't. So if MM
> is going to take our hard earned money to be their Beta testers, then
> the least they could do is cheerfully give free support (without
> asking for a credit card) until the product is ready

I second this as well...i have personally spend hours testing CFMX...
Alot of unproductive hours.. and Macromedia wants us to pay to REPORT
bugs in CFMX. This is riduculous.

Joe Eugene

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bud [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:36 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: ODBC Problems?
> On 3/4/03, Michael T. Tangorre penned:
> >I find your post rather brash, and not necessary for this venue.
> No one is
> >forcing you to use MX.
> To be fair, CFMX is a VERY frustrating product. I don't even own a
> copy. I opened an account with Crystal Tech so I could test some
> applications. I'm sure Crystal Tech, from everything I've heard about
> them, is very knowledgeable and likely has CFMX optimized as well as
> possible. But just from testing one application, I've been pulling my
> hair out, on silly errors that show up on perfectly good code and
> should not be there.
> No one forces anyone to upgrade (well, except maybe you know who),
> but when you purchase a product that is advertised as being a
> "release" version and not beta, you have some right to expect a
> working, somewhat stable product. From the little experience I've had
> It is FULL of bugs. Some which are just ridiculous and make no sense,
> like the Insert query problem I posted about earlier.
> This product should still be deeply in Beta. But it isn't. So if MM
> is going to take our hard earned money to be their Beta testers, then
> the least they could do is cheerfully give free support (without
> asking for a credit card) until the product is ready. heck, I'm still
> on 4.51 because they never finished getting the bugs out of CF5, like
> the headers showing up after a cflocation.
> The whole thing stinks of M$.
> Sorry for the rant.
> --
> Bud Schneehagen - Tropical Web Creations
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> ColdFusion Solutions / eCommerce Development
> http://www.twcreations.com/
> http://www.cf-ezcart.com/
> 954.721.3452
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