| It's on the list :)
| Why didn't it get done for this launch? Mostly because it's hooked into
| a much bigger legacy Perl system that we've used for many years to
| capture user information and process it through log files and back into
| mailing lists etc. We have a lot of CGI scripts so it would be quit a
| bit of work to rewrite them all - with all their back end machinery -
| in ColdFusion. We'll probably get to it in time.

This must be the code that places people on Macromedia mailing lists when they do not 
intend to be suscribing.   Part of
the result is that Macromedia ends up on e-mail blacklists because a few of these 
"subscribers" feel that the marketing
email they receive is unsolicited, and thus is reported as spam.

I hope that added to the list of fixes will be a double opt-in method of confirming 
subscriptions before adding them to
the marketing database.  This in keeping with best practices for mail list management 
encouraged by those of us who use
spammer blacklists as filters on our own mail servers.  This is an item that would 
remove the "black-eye" that
Macromedia has concerning marketing emails, and permit those of us that do filter, to 
continue to receive mail that we
have subscribed to intentionally.

Requiring an email address in order to navigate your site, and then auto-adding that 
email address to marketing email
lists is not a good practice, and labels the mailer as a spammer.

Macromedia has three mail servers that have a blacklist history on the spamcop 
blacklist, which is increasingly being
used at the ISP level to block unsolicited commercial email (UCE). To guarantee a 
listing on the black list, all a
visitor has to do is to visit your web site, enter an email address set up 
specifically as a spam trap address, and then
start receiving email to that address.  The mail is then reported to Spamcop, where 
the spam score is weighted by mail
to special trap addresses.

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