are you using method="GET" in your form post????  If not, I see no reason to use 
URLEncodedformat.  Use cfqueryparam to ensure data is escaped as needed on the way 
into your DB.  When you display it, then use HTMLEditFormat or my previous suggestions 
on replace...blah...blah...

the URLencode/decode are for passing data via URL.  Are you doing this?


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Joshua Miller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 4:53 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: RE: Special Characters driving me nuts
>I HAVE to use URLEncodedFormat to store the data. Unfortunately what I
>have to do is allow a preview of the user's submission, but there are
>around 50 fields I have to store that typically go into about 6
>different tables, so I'm storing everything as a name=value;name=value;
>string in a table, displaying the preview and then cleaning out the
>preview table upon submission. So, I'm creating dynamic 
>variables before
>the insert and I have to use URLEncodedFormat so that the users can
>enter the characters I use as delimiters.
>Basically, I use name=value;name=value; so if the user enters an = or ;
>character it breaks my string.
>This is how I'm doing it right now:
>1. URLEncodedFormat() the data into the database
>2. Grab that string from the database on the preview page
>3. Loop over the string and cut into name/value pairs for another list
>4. On the second list loop URLDecode the value so it's correct 
>as it was
>entered by the user
>5. Display using HTMLEditFormat() on the document
>This should work just fine and be exactly like storing the 
>data as-is in
>the database. The problem is if the value of a variable on the preview
>page begins with a special character it won't display. Everything else
>around it displays fine and even if there are quotes in the middle they
>work, it's just the first character. If the first character is 
>a special
>character it won't display that entire value.
>Any other ideas?
>Joshua Miller
>Head Programmer / IT Manager
>Garrison Enterprises Inc.
>(704) 569-9044 ext. 254
>Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender,
>except where the sender states them to be the views of 
>Garrison Enterprises Inc.
>This e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to 
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>you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any
>dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If you 
>have received this e-mail in error please delete it immediately and
>advise us by return e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Monday, March 10, 2003 2:41 PM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Re: Special Characters driving me nuts
>Don't use URLEncodedFormat() when inserting the data.  Place 
>it into the
>database "as-is".
>Use HTMLEditFormat() to display the data.
>You'll have to update rows that you URLEncodedFormat() back to their
>original format.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Joshua Miller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Monday, March 10, 2003 12:26 pm
>Subject: Special Characters driving me nuts
>> Greetings,
>> I've been fighting with user-input and special characters for days
>> now,I'm starting to get really frustrated.
>> Here's the scenario:
>> 1. User enters data into a textarea field. This will usually contain 
>> several special characters (?/{}[]|\">[EMAIL PROTECTED] <')" >mailto:[EMAIL 
>> &*,<>?/{}[]|\-_+)(^)
>> 2. I use URLEncodedFormat before sticking the data in my database
>> table,so I'm storing encoded data
>> 3. I use URLDecode when retrieving the data into an HTML page to show
>> the data entered.
>> Here's the problem:
>> Data that begins with a special character doesn't display. Data
>> that is
>> surrounded by " marks doesn't display
>> For example:
>> "This" line won't display in HTML
>> This line $ will display in HTML
>> This line "will not" display in HTML
>> $This line will not display in HTML
>> If I use HTMLEditFormat() I still can't see the items surrounded
>> by "
>> marks and it also displays the URLEncodedFormat information so 
>> space =
>> %20 on screen in the HTML page.
>> How do I overcome this issue?
>> Thanks,
>> Joshua Miller
>> Head Programmer / IT Manager
>> Garrison Enterprises Inc.
>> <"
>> target="l">> 
>> (704) 569-9044 ext. 254
>> **
>> *************
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>> sender,except where the sender states them to be the views of 
>> Garrison Enterprises Inc.
>> This e-mail is intended only for the individual or entity to which
>> it is
>> addressed and contains information that is private and 
>> confidential. If
>> you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any
>> dissemination, distribution or copying is strictly prohibited. If 
>> you 
>> have received this e-mail in error please delete it immediately and
>> advise us by return e-mail to
>> <')" >mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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