Hello list -
While developing this page - I have a ton of conditional tiny snippets 
which I started putting in includes. I heard that includes where faster 
in most cases than calling custom tags.
Before I headed down this road I would like to confirm -
Anyone have advice on that? It is really simply pieces of code I am 
running - it's just that it appears in So many places I need to try to 
centralize it.

Sample pieces are for example something like this -
<cfif PrinterFriendly EQ "Yes">
<a href="javascript:window.print();">Print This Page.</a><a 
href="<cfoutput>#CGI.PATH_INFO#</cfoutput>">Go back here.</a>
src="/img/icon_NarrowPrintVersion1.gif" hspace="0" vspace="0" 

Clients are changing their mind so much - if I have to hand code this on 
30 pages and change tomorrow 30x - it's a huge hassle.
Thanks for any advice.
I am only really concerned about speed/processing time.
Jason Miller

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