> Well, I posted a message here about a month or two ago that 
> didn't get  
> much play, and then I proxied my message to the CFGURU list through  
> another member there.  You tried valiantly to help there, but 
> the end  
> result was me giving up in frustration.

Ah -I thought it sounded a bit familiar. Sorry for forgetting!

> I am aware that after they logout the auth_user is still 
> being passed  
> by the browser.

What 'auth_user'? The result of getAuthUser() you mean?

> What I found happening wrong, is that when the idletimeout 
> was set to  
> anything other than 1, I could not log in a new user... even if I  
> closed the browser and entered in brand new information in 
> the server  
> prompt.  In my application.cfm I transfer my session variables to  
> request variables and these lines of code would throw an error...  
> because the session variables were never set.

So, even if you logout - you can't login as someone else? Does your
logon form show up if you close your brower and return? Ie, the system
_at least_ know that you need to logon, but when you logon as B, it
thinks you are still A?

> But.
> If my idletimeout was set to something "normal" like say 500 
> seconds,  
> and after logout I closed my browser, entered brand new 
> information in  
> the server prompt and the user was not located in my database, they  
> would see the "you failed" template as expected.

I'm confused. You said the situation was bad if idleTimeout was not 1,
yet 500 is not 1 either.

> This was very confusing, because if they could see the "you failed"  
> template, there was no reason why the session variables wouldn't be  
> set... it was all happening in the same block of code.  It's 
> one simple  
> <if> statment, you see?  The <else> condition worked 
> perfectly when the  
> original <if> condition obviously was not.

Can you post the entire code block? Not everything of course, I don't
need to see the HTML of your logon form, but you get the idea.

Raymond Camden, ColdFusion Jedi Master for Mindseye, Inc
Member of Team Macromedia (http://www.macromedia.com/go/teammacromedia)

Blog     : www.camdenfamily.com/morpheus/blog
Yahoo IM : morpheus

"My ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is." - Yoda 

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