Don't do any indentation based on non-HTML tags.  That'll be a start.  The
CFSAVECONTENT blocks will be more problemmatic, especially if you use a
block multiple times, and it needs different indentation for each.  However,
if you use them only once, or all uses need the same indentation, just make
sure that's how they are indented when you create them.

<cfsavecontent var="header">

<cfloop query="get">

Barney Boisvert, Senior Development Engineer
AudienceCentral (formerly PIER System, Inc.)
voice : 360.756.8080 x12
fax   : 360.647.5351

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 4:02 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Generating HTML
> Hello,
> I am trying to generate some HTML via CF and I want the HTML to come out
> clean. But I end up with lots of whitespace and for the life of me, I can
> not get proper indentation due to all the CFIFS and related CF
> code. I have
> tried using CFSETTING ENABLECFOUTPUTONLY="NO", but I still end up with
> strange indents and such.  I use CFSAVECONTENT for some blocks and then
> include the resulting HTML within more HTML.
> Does any one know of any tricks to get the resulting HTML to be clean and
> properly intended?
> Brook

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