> Sorry, I thought I gave that information.
> CF Code: Irrelevant. I could post more CF code, but since *ALL* CF code
> throws the errors that I mentioned, it doesn't seem useful.  This is a
> server error, as far as I can tell, not a coding error.
> Version of MX: I'm afraid that I can't track down a release number in my
> documentation or on my installation media.  The release date for my copy
> August 2002, so I assume it's pre-Updater 2.

Put this into a test template and let me know what the ProductVersion key

<cfdump var="#SERVER.ColdFusion#">

> Version of JRun: 4, Service Pack 1a.

So I assume that you're running CFMX on JRun 4?

> OS: Solaris 9, all patches applied.

If you're not on Updater 3, you should see that you get up to it when you
can. If you go to the link below, you'll see that MM notes that Solaris 9 is
supported only on Updater 3:


> Webserver: Apache 2.0.45.  I've tried using the internal webserver that
> listens on Port 8500, but I noticed no difference in performance.

Don't see anything wrong with that.

Let me know about the other info, and we can go from there.

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