Okay so I have been handed a problem resulting from code that someone else
wrote, I'm sure some of you can sympathize. Hopefully some of you might also
have some advice.

We run a report every month, this month it is much bigger then usual.
Normally it takes a while to do, but never has any errors, this month it is
taking a while then erroring out. The file in question does a big query on
the main database, then does a bunch of queries of a query based on the
original query. The main query looks like this:

<cfquery name="SELECTMASTERDATA" datasource="blah" dbtype="ODBC"
username="blah" password="blah">Select SIGNUPS, TDATE, SITEID,WMID from DATA
#CreateODBCDateTime(ENDDATE)# and signups > 0</cfquery>

Simple, no problems there. Here is the error:

unknown exception condition


The error occurred while processing an element with a general identifier of
(CFQUERY), occupying document position (116:4) to (116:51) in the template
file E:\blah\blah

Line 116 where the error resides looks like this:

<cfquery name="SELECTSIGNUPDATA" dbtype="query">Select SIGNUPS from
and (WMID='#ID#'))</cfquery>

Again, nothing seems wrong here.

The thing that troubles me is that it will process a ton of rows and then
seemingly error out at random, one time on the 500th row and the 750th the
next time. And I think it might have something to do with the load on the
box at the time.

I have seen that error referenced in regards to q of q, but a lot of the
problems people are having seem to have to do with locking, and I don't have
anything to lock, so I don't think that is it.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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