On Sunday, Jun 15, 2003, at 09:55 US/Pacific, Dave Carabetta wrote:
> I think the problem is that I'm exploding the cfusion.war file
> into the root directory of the server (which, without MX and the  
> default-ear
> directories, only has the SERVER-INF directory)

Yes, you need to create a cfusion directory in the 'reisse' server  
directory and unpack cfusion.war inside there. Looks like my steps  
missed that out but they are in the installation notes - sorry about  


"4. Create a new directory under your server instance named cfusion.  
This directory will become the context root that the ColdFusion MX is  
deployed into; for example, /opt/jrun4/servers/default/cfusion.
5. Create a new directory under your server instance name CFIDE (all  
uppercase). This directory will become the context root that the RDS  
application is deployed into; for example,  
6. If you have not already done so, open a console window, navigate to  
the cfusion directory that you created in the previous step, and  
uncompress the cfusion.war file with the following command (or with  

jar -xvf install_directory/cfusion.war

7. Navigate to the CFIDE directory and uncompress the rds.war file with  
the following command:

cd ../CFIDE
jar -xvf install_directory/rds.war"

Hopefully that will get you to here:
>> In the JMC, drill into the cfmx server instance and the ColdFusion
>> Application and change the context root to / - it should redeploy
>> successfully.

Again, sorry I missed out that key step...

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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