Are you running CFMX with Updater 3 installed?


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Allan Clarke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, June 16, 2003 8:56 AM
>To: CF-Talk
>Subject: Remoting - Access from Flash to web services - BabelFish
>I downloaded the Babelfish sample application source
>code from the macromedia website:
>Extracted the code in my CFMX wwwroot folder. Opened
>the file: Babelfish.fla in Flash MX, brought up the
>NetConnectionDebugger and exported the flash movie.
>For those of you who have downloaded this sample
>application, when I click on the 'Translate' button, I
>get the following error.
>DebugId: 0
>EventType: "Status"
>MovieUrl: "file:///D|/CFusionMX/wwwroot/Flash And
>Protocol: "http"
>Source: "Client"
>Time: 1055776690024
>Date (object #1)
>....."Mon Jun 16 16:18:10 GMT+0100 2003"
>Status (object #2)
>.....description: "Service threw an exception during
>method invocation: No service named
>is known to Flash Remoting MX."
>"flashgateway.adapter.NoSuchServiceException: No
>service named
>is known to Flash Remoting MX.
>at flashgateway.Gateway.invoke(
>.....level: "error"
>The gateway connection is : myService =
>Its not just this example, any exmaple that uses a
>wsdl to connect to webservice fails. I can however
>connect to a webservice if I use a cfc, for ex:
>googleService =
>I read this article on the macromedia site:
>What is says is that by default access from Macromedia
>Flash to web services using the Flash Gateway is
>disabled by default in ColdFusion MX Updater 3. I did
>exactly what it said in there to enable access and now
>I get a different error: NetConnection.Call.BadVersion
>I don't understand why this is disabled in the first
>place. I have updater 3 installed and the webserver is
>IIS on win2k
>I would appreciate your help
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