> Ok..here is the solution I came up with
> and Morning everybody =)
> <!--- SECURITY CODE ---->
> <CFIF IsDefined('DeptID')>
>  <CFLOOP INDEX="x" FROM="1" TO="#ListLen(form.DeptID)#">
>   <cfif
> ListContains(session.currentprivileges,ListGetAt(form.DeptID,x),",")
> EQ 0>
>      <cflocation url="#noclearance#" addtoken="yes">
>   </CFIF>
>  </CFLOOP>
> </CFIF>
> <!--- End SECURITY CODE ---->
> Is this the most eloquent solution to the problem?
> :-)

This is what I would have suggested. One way to make it slightly more
elegant (eloquent, whatever) would be to stuff that code into a custom tag.
Then whenever you need to authorize, just call the custom tag:

<cf_security currentpriveledges="#listofPriveledges#" deptID="#deptID#">

- Sean

Sean Daniels
Manager, Engineering
Marketplace Technologies
tel: 207.439.6030
cel: 978.764.0799

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