How many users will have access to the generated key?  If it is just one client,
then you can store the location of the key, in the database containing the user
name and password.  If you can do that, it will save you a lot of code.

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----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Matt Robertson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 9:37 PM
Subject: Re: Storing Credit Card Info

| For my own purposes, I was thinking of having the user click an icon to save a
generated key onto a certain drive.  At that point the key and its folder off
the root would be named by CF to something CF would know later, automatically
(i.e. use some formula for a filename, like /privatekey/applicationname.txt).
| That presupposes I can do something where CF determines a list of available
drives.  Haven't taken the time to figure out if CF has any built-in functions
to help with that task, or if its even possible.
| If the user plugs in a USB pen drive and knows that drive is E: drive, they
just direct the key to be stored there.
| Retrieval would, ideally, be CF searching all available drives for the
/privatekey/ folder and, when it finds same, search for
currentapplicationname.txt.  Once it finds that it reads the contents of the
file and off it goes.
| The user experience once the key is stored would then be:
| 1. User plugs ''key'' into computer.
| 2. User uses application.
| The application does the above key search on its own if its asked to display
an encrypted item.  The private key is not stored in persistent memory, so
removing the physical ''key'' (i.e. the USB pen drive) disables decryption.
| Have to figure a way for CF to determine a list of all available drives for
the above to work.
| -------------------------------------------
|  Matt Robertson,     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|  MSB Designs, Inc.
| -------------------------------------------
| ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
| From: Kay Smoljak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2003 22:20:50 -0400
| >Hmmm... well, I've got our programmers thinking up what would be the best way
to automate it as much as possible. The problem is that I think USB devices
don't allow "autorun" programs. So there'd need to be some kind of manual input
from the user to start the process, unless you had a Windows program installed
on their computer looking for the USB drive, which starts to get way more messy
than anyone wants.
| >
| >If anyone has any ideas about this, please let me know!
| >
| >Kay.
| >

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