On Thursday, Jun 26, 2003, at 12:12 US/Pacific, Mike Pacella wrote:
> Thanks for the reply Sean.  My one question is that I've been doing 
> Java for about 2 years and this is primarily the methodology we, as a 
> company subscribed to.....In situations where we had objects that 
> would need to be looked up frequently, we'd create Hashtables whose 
> values would be the objects we needed to look up.

A lot depends on how you're using the objects and / or data. CF is very 
good at caching database queries so re-running the query is not a big 
overhead (because, well, basically you don't end up re-running the 

> This would give us easy access to the objects...I thought that, with 
> ColdFusion, structures were essentially Hashtables.  And, CFCs were 
> essentially objects.  So I figured this would be a "slam dunk".

CF provides quite a thick abstraction layer over Java so while some 
idioms translate over well, others do not. CFCs are objects but, for 
example, a method is *also* an object so that CF's 'late binding' and 
metadata model can behave consistently. Furthermore, CF's structs are 
case-insensitive which adds overhead compared to Java's hash tables.

> Is there another way you would suggest, just speaking in general OO 
> terms even, that would speed up this problem?  If I'm catching your 
> drift properly, you are suggesting that my design is weak, and that 
> CFC limitations aren't the problem.  So, any help on the fallacies of 
> my design would be greatly appreciated...

I don't have enough information to hand to say whether the design is or 
is not appropriate to the problem you're trying to solve. If you could 
tell us a little bit more about how you are using the data / objects 
and what the application does, that would help.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

"If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
-- Margaret Atwood

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