Did you contact MM for technical support when you had issues installing?

Additionally, PHP does not perform the same functions.

- Calvin

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mahmut Basaran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 07, 2003 10:19 PM
Subject: I knew your name was Neo

> Hi Macromedia,
> How's it going bro ? I hope you're doing well. Do you know what happened
last night......
> I know you're really busy but you definetly should read that. I spent more
than 10 hours to get cf mx working. I tried several installs and uninstalls
(which takes longer than install), and after performing several reformats I
found out the problem was the locale setting of Windows 2000 Server (which
was set to Turkish during install).
> Thank you Macromedia for your great Jrun engine.
> Thank you for asking me if I would like to install your webserver (which
you do not recommend for production) that runs on port 8500.
> Thank you for your locale support.
> Thank you for not letting me know about the real-cache attribute on my
very first install.
> Thank you for COM problems after I upgrade from version 4.5 to mx.
> Thank you for making me wait 10ms each time I refresh my code.
> Thank you for your great Jrun connector.
> Thank you for your perfect Flash Remoting add-ons.
> Thank you for your cfmail which sends mail with a 15sec delay.
> Thank you for your consuming at least 30megs of my server's memory with
just sitting there.
> Thank you for crashing the server each time someone uploads an infinite
loop or use mirror includes.
> Thank you for your "only" 140 megs installation. It's nice to know that cf
is heavier than php's 2meg installation but performs the same functions
(with/out addons).
> (list keeps going...)
> and finally I would like to thank you for all the pain. Keep up the good
work and keep up coding with the ms style "furnished" code. I'm curious to
see the next episode.
> You're the Best of Best! You're awesome!
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