Both. Redsky is nice and I'm using it live on a site already
( It has a lot of things that people will like and it'll be
a worthy upgrade. The release after that is also going to be fantastic.
I have to say this for those who think that MM is not focused on CF. They are.
They have plans for the language that will make us end users happy. They have
plans that will help expand its corporate market which will result in more jobs
for us. They have plans to make it connect better to things like Flash (Firefly
is really nice for non-Flash types).
I don't know all their plans but I do know that they are looking out for us.

And no, I don't work for MM and am not paid for the above. :)

> At 04:03 PM 7/9/03 -0400, Michael Dinowitz wrote:
> >full major. Once they put in <lots of content deleted due to NDA> then
> >it'll be
> >totally fantastic. I'm really looking forward to the next release.
> Do you mean you are really looking forward to the RedSky release, or the
> release after that?
> T
> Tired of your bookmarks/favourites being limited to one computer?  Move
> them to the Net!
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