Mosh Teitelbaum wrote:
> 4) Fusebox does have a learning curve (IMO, a pretty steep one if you want
>    truly and properly use all that FB offers) but once learned, you're in
>    pretty good company (until the next release and then there usually
seems to
>    be another learning curve).

GL drew on a cave wall:
> This is almost rediculous. I've seen complete newbies with little or no
> CF experience pick up fusebox in a week. Although I haven't been into
> FB4 yet, the transition from FB2 to FB3 took about a half hour.

In less than the time it took me to read the Techspedition book, I had
"picked up" Fusebox.  But did I know it well enough to architect a
"perfect," completely Fusebox-compatible and -compliant system taking full
advantage of all it offers?  No.  That takes experience.  I picked up
ColdFusion in about 4 hours.  But was I as good with it 8 years ago as I am
now?  No.  Because now I have 8 years of experience with it that I didn't
have back then.

The fact that someone can "pick something up" in a short amount of time says
absolutely nothing about their ability to turn it around and make something
useful.  As a purely hypothetical example (with no offense intended to
Fuseboxers or the newbies in question), I have to assume that your newbies
were used as coders and not architects.  Given that Fusebox is advertised as
being able to separate coders from having to actually know anything about
the system that they're developing, it doesn't say much for people who
require a week to learn how to code individual files each of which perform a
single task and are fully documented and spec'ed out.

Now I suspect that your newbies were something of an exaggeration.  And my
"example" was intended to bring that to the fore, but my point remains...
something as (relatively) complex as Fusebox cannot be fully learned in that
short a time frame.  And every time it changes, it needs to be relearned.

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 942-5378
Fax: (301) 933-3651


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