
enablecab is bad. Don't place any mention of that attribute in your code. It causes 
wierd problems and is deprecated in cfmx. to quote the cfml reference book: "Do not 
use it in new applications. It might not work, ...". I don't remember why enablecab no 
longer works, I just know it's bad ;-)

What kinds of fields do you have in your form? Specifically, what kinds of cf-prefixed 
tags are you using (like cfinput, cfselect, etc...)? I'm not sure what you're using 
enablecab for, or if you even need it. So I can't say whether you need to provide a 
workaround for the functionality you are trying to provide, or if you can just remove 
the enablecab attribute and be done with it.

Good luck

Mike Mertsock
Alfred University Web Team

>I am totally stumped by this.
>This is my code:
><cfform ACTION="testval.cfm" METHOD="post" NAME="contactform"
><cfinput NAME="full" TYPE="text" SIZE="35" MAXLENGTH="55" REQUIRED="yes"
>MESSAGE="You must enter a correct name"> 
><input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset" NAME="Reset" >
><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit" NAME="submit" >
>Simple. I mean...just a CFFORM.
> does not work. At all. It consistently throws a Javascript
>error saying object expected.
>This is the code when I View Source.
><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript"
><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="text/javascript">
>function  _CF_checkcontactform(_CF_this)
>       if  (!_CF_hasValue(_CF_this.full, "TEXT" ))
>       {
>               if  (!_CF_onError(_CF_this, _CF_this.full,
>_CF_this.full.value, "You must enter a correct name"))
>               {
>                       return false;
>               }
>       }
>       return true;
><FORM NAME="contactform" ACTION="testval.cfm" METHOD="POST"
>onSubmit="return _CF_checkcontactform(this)">  
><INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="full" SIZE="35" MAXLENGTH="55"> 
><input TYPE="reset" VALUE="Reset" NAME="Reset" >
><input TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit" NAME="submit" >
>What the hell am I doing wrong?
>This is on CFMX with updater 3 installed.
> just really doesn't make sense.
>This is all part of a much larger form of course..but I decided to just
>cut everything out..the tables..the stylesheets...all the other fields..
>And just try a basic cfform statement and see if it worked...and it
>What could be wrong??

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