this talk about css and broswers had me thinking.

is it within the realm of flash mx to do this or would it be possible to have someone 
make this with whats available

given the fact that most browsers render flash the same right?
would it be possible to make a cfm site as normal but be able to import it into a 
flash front end to display it?

im sure there would be some issues but i think it would be really cool. You wouldnt be 
able to look at code, saving pics would have to be done by screen save which would at 
least eliminate the right click or save page as. and most of all it would render the 
same in every browser.

im sure somethings like file uploads and forms may be more tricky but could it be done 
this way?

if MM could come up with something like this for cfm & flash I think it would be HUGE 
for them both.

or maybe i just got a bad batch of crack and am off my rocker. But it should start 
some interesting conversation and I'm very curious to see what could be done along 
those lines.


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