AS far as HTML is concerned the syntax for a CHECKED radio button or check
box is;

<input type="radio" name="name" value="value" checked>
<input type="checkbox" name="name" value="value" checked>

 you have your 'checked' argument outside the tag...maybe a typo though.


> Ok I run these 2 queries:
> <CFQUERY datasource="#dsn#" name="qgetrunways">
> FROM Runways
> <CFQUERY datasource="#dsn#" name="qgetrunwaydetail">
> FROM Runway_Detail
> WHERE O_Report_Num = #qgetops.O_Report_Num#
> The first just pulls all the runways.
> The 2nd pulls any runways that were affected. the Runway_ID is the field
> that is associated in both tables.
> In the output I have all the runways display with check boxes (this works
> fine) by doing this:
> <CFOUTPUT query="qgetrunways">
> <input type="checkbox" name="runway_id#runway_id#"
> value="#runway_id#">#runway#
> This works fine.  It displays the 4 runways. HOwever with the 2nd query it
> finds that 2 of the runways
> were reported to have problems therefore I want those 2 check boxes to be
> However doing this:
> <input type="checkbox" name="runway_id#runway_id#" value="#runway_id#"
> runway_ID IS "qgetrunwaydetail.runway_ID">CHECKED</CFIF>>#runway#
> Does not work.  even though there are 2 runway Id's that are pulled from
> runwaydetail query it only brings back one
> in this output. Either way it doesnt check any boxes at all. Yet throws no
> errors either. The queries work fine so its something
> in the way I am outputting. Any Suggestions???
> Kelly
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