If you want to keep some of your session variables anyway, you might have to set some 
sort of variable that OnRequestEnd.cfm will look at to see whether to clear out those 
specific session scope vars you want out. Maybe in OnRequestEnd.cfm you use <cfparam> 
to default a request.dropSessionStatus variable to false.

If the user logs out, you set that variable to true. Then in OnRequestEnd.cfm you 
could check the value of that boolean and act appropriately? My brain is fried too, 
there's probably a more elegant solution than us night owls can figure out :)

Mike Mertsock
Alferd University Web Team

>I'm duplicating my session scope to the request scope in my
>Application.cfm, and then duplicating them back to the session scope in my
>OnRequestEnd.cfm and it works well, and prevents me from doing a lot of
>However, I'm stuck now on actually clearing the session vars out, say
>when a user logs out. I want to keep some variables, and I seem to be
>stuck in a loop of I clear the session vars out but they get written
>back from the request scope immediately.
>It's midnight and I'm probably a bit brain dead but was wondering if
>anyone has used this system and could briefly explain what I'm missing
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